Universidad de los Llanos in Venezuela would be considering including a degree in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Engineering

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies continue to generate interest in many people in the world around the operation behind the technology that supports not only Bitcoin but to all digital assets within the ecosystem. In this sense, more and more, the demand for educational programs to train students in these areas is growing. Motivated by this goal, the University of the Llanos in Venezuela would be considering including an Engineering degree in Blockchain and cryptocurrencies for the year 2022.

It is the Ezequiel Zamora National Experimental University of the Western Plains, known as Unellez, a public university created in 1975. The study house, ad recently its plans to form an academic program that is part of its educational offer linked to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Unellez University has several branches present in the main states of the Venezuelan plain. Thus, having infrastructures in the cities of Barinas, where its main headquarters are located. As well as in other flat cities such as: Guanare, San Fernando de Apure, San Juan de los Morros and San Carlos.

Precisely in the city of San Carlos, located in the Cojedes state, Unellez is presenting an initiative that will seek to establish as part of its educational offer a degree training program (PFG) of Engineering in Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, which is currently in the study and approval period by the university entity, which it hopes can include in its academic system as of next year 2022.

In this sense, as the announcement explains, the conformation of the university program of Engineering in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies has the joint impulse between several main authorities of the university and its Vice-Rectors, as well as the participation of student leaders, the Venezuelan Federation of Students University Students (FVEU), the Curricular Innovation Link Directorate and Headquarters and the Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts Network (REC).

21 out of 50 international universities have at least one academic year on Blockchain

With regard to Latin America, countries like Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela they have at least one university offering some type of course to meet the demand for postgraduate studies, diplomas and programs that respond to the growing need for training in this industry.

In fact, a study made by the exchange house Coinbase determined that 21 of the world’s top 50 international universities offer at least one academic course on blockchain or cryptocurrencies.

Development of the study plan

Now, for the development of the study curriculum, they highlighted that there is a qualified and multidisciplinary team from Unellez. Who will be in charge of creating the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Engineering Degree Training Program.

Likewise, student leaders from Unellez together with the Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts Network (REC) plan to create a Diploma in Digital Economy.

All people interested in this diploma will be able to train in the digital economy and will contribute to the development of this ecosystem that is consolidated in Venezuela.

The director of Curricular Innovation at Unellez, Denny Luz Molina; the Head of Curricular Innovation, Llelysmar Crespo; the head of the Basic and Applied Sciences Program, Nakhary Mendoza, among others are some of the people who are committed to this study program in cryptocurrencies at Unellez.

Due to the development that blockchain technology has had, many institutions have taken the time to add new technologies to the options they offer their students. Therefore, training in this area can be of utmost importance for advancement and development, not only in terms of technology but also in many sectors in which it is used today.

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