UAE Cyber Gear, with experience in building metaverses and NFTs, has launched a community platform called Metashapers for people in the Web3, Meta, NFT, Blockchain, AR/VR/MR/XR, and AI/Big Data space to join and network with each other.
According to Sharad Agarwal, CEO of UAE Cyber Gear, a Web3 company – “There have been more than 10,000 articles published within the last 30 days about the Metaverse. Clearly, the metaverse is the new topic of all conversations. We have built Meta Shapers to have curated conversations about the Metaverse, which offers trillion-dollar opportunities to organizations and individuals within the next 5 years. We are organizing monthly webinars on meta-related topics via to create a well-informed and closely-knit community that can reach out to qualified talent pool for building the meta ventures.”
Cyber Gear recently organized a webinar with over 500 attendees from 77 countries, entitled, ‘Is your brand future-sensing the Web 3.0, Meta, and NFT’s?’. The webinar can be viewed online at