Salvadoran ranchers refuse to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment

Traders in the livestock sector of The Savior they flatly refuse to accept Bitcoins as a payment method even though the government declared its legal tender within the nation for the payment of purchases in any environment.

This past June 9 in the Salvadoran region after a long time of debate on the acceptance of Bitcoin as a payment method within the country, finally gave way to the approval of the Bitcoin Law and on September 7 it began its regiment in the country.

Nevertheless, The farmers have made present their disagreement and opposition regarding the acceptance of digital currency for trade within their category, this is because the purchase and sale of cattle is carried out only with cash and is a type of business that it is done instantly instantly. In addition, a key factor in the justification of the denial regarding the new payment method is the fluctuation that Bitcoin has continuously.

“(…) He does not know how much it is worth, how much it will devalue tomorrow or if it will increase. So it is something as they say, a game of chance then. ” Rancher Mario Muñoz explained, according to the CNN portal Latin America.

What happens in this case has already happened before and in various environments in the face of having to work with assets digital And it is mistrust, since Bitcoin is a digital currency and therefore not tangible, this results in merchants not feeling entirely comfortable accepting and operating with them. In the case of Salvadoran ranchers, they have been accepting cash dollars in their negotiations for a considerable time, therefore this new digital environment implies a new adaptation for livestock in general.

Likewise, it is important to know that to work with Bitcoin you need prior knowledge regarding the subject so that once the entities or individuals choose it they know how to proceed.

“Everything is fine, what he has done or at least how he was going. Less put this coin because Who is the owner? What is the bank that supports it? (…) When they put the dollar you know that it is an international currency. “ Antonio Pérez gave his opinion for the CNN Latin America interview, who is also part of the livestock sector.

On the other hand and a point that plays against is also the theme of the Chivo Wallet, which is a digital wallet in which users who are either in the territory of the Central American country or abroad can store bitcoins and dollars as well as carry out transactions with the money saved.

Despite the fact that Chivo Wallet has had a positive adoption, a fact that is demonstrated with the half million users that are currently registered; According to the news portal CNN, certain users have presented problems both for downloading and registering in the recently launched wallet created by the government.

This is also the reason why livestock traders prefer to choose to wait a little longer and thus be able to make a study of how other users who decide to be part of this new payment method are doing.

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