An NFT version of an arrest warrant for anti-apartheid icon and former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, has raised $130,550 at an auction, with proceeds going towards LiliesLeaf Museum – museum preserving the history of South Africa’s anti-apartheid struggle.
The reserve price at the March 26, 2022 night auction in Cape Town, South Africa, was $61,800, but the non-fungible tokens or NFT, ‘sold for $130,550 via a buyer online,’ said Ahren Posthumus, CEO, Momint, a South African-based digital auction and NFT marketplace.
The buyer was a foreigner, based in the United Arab Emirates.
The South African Anti-Apartheid Liberation hero was arrested on August 5, 1962, and later jailed for 27 years, and LiliesLeaf Farm, which served as a key sanctuary for Mandela and other South African liberation heroes, is set to benefit again.
The history of LiliesLeaf Farm stretches back to 1961 when it served as a nerve centre for the liberation movement in South Africa and used by Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), the armed wing of Mandela’s ANC party, as the perfect site to hide from the state police and plan the overthrow of the apartheid government.

According to Posthumus, proceeds for the Mandela NFT will go to the Liliesleaf Museum to help in keeping their doors open and stay afloat.
LiliesLeaf shuttered its doors in September 2021 due to financial difficulties.
The original document, dated 1961, now yellowed, with gnarled edges and bearing staple holes on one side, is handwritten in both English and Afrikaans. It has been kept at the LiliesLeaf Farm heritage site archives in Johannesburg since around 2006, said Nicolas Wolpe, founder at the museum.
In 2021, the museum received about $50, 000 following an auction of an NFT of a pen gun owned by fellow freedom fighter, Oliver Tambo.
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