Mossa Token: New Crypto Allows Holders to Vote on Decisions

Moss’ governance token decentralizes management. Photo: Vlad Hilitanu, Unsplash.

Moss, carbon credit trading startup and blockchain environmental solutions, announced today (30) the Moss Governance Token. Those who buy, will be able to comment, participate in discussions and vote on changes to the MCO2 token protocol, the company’s first, and the next ones.

With this, the startup ceases to have a centralized whole to have at least part of the decentralized management. Thus, it comes closer to a truly blockchain model, which is what Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) do. But, in these, the administration counts a management in which the actions must have a good part, or all, performed by codes.

“This movement is natural, including because of the technology we use in our operations. Our goal is to build a community that contributes to discussions and votes that drive improvements to the MCO2 Token and our protocols,” says Renan Kruger, CTO at Moss.

According to the company, the Moss Governance Token will allow holders to decide and participate in initiatives such as re-mining tokens and entering carbon credit projects once they pass the Moss audit. In addition, process decentralization and partnerships are also on the list.

But in the future, which Moss says is “soon”, the company claims that whoever has the token will also be able to buy wholesale carbon credits. Therefore, with lower prices.

Moss will share token distribution

Moss will mint 3.041 million governance tokens, the same amount of the MCO2 token issued since February 1, 2022. Of this, 30% will go to investors/partners and employees. Another 25% goes to the liquidity pool on the Polygon, Ethereum, Celo networks. The equivalent of 5% will go to the Discord, Telegram and Twitter communities, with 1,000 users.

Of the remainder, Moss will offer 10% to those who already have MCO2, at the rate of 0.1 per token in current wallets; 20% goes to Moss’ treasury, 5% to DAO Klima’s treasury, which also has a focus on carbon credit, and 5% to Klima/MCO2 liquidity mining.

According to Moss, MCO2 has already been used by about 300 companies to offset carbon emissions, such as Gol, for example. This generated a movement of around R$100 million. The token’s focus is to generate resources for the conservation of the Amazon.

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