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Liqi started today (11) the sale of BomConsórcio tokens, a platform for trading consortium shares for those who cannot or do not want to keep these assets. Thus, tokens represent receivables from quotas already covered, which in general have a lower risk than other assets, and have pre-defined terms and percentage of remuneration. In this case, the remuneration is 0.95 per month, until they reach an estimated gain of 12% per year on the amount paid for the token, in addition to the value of the token.
There are 9,631.92 tokens with a unit price on Liqi of BRL 25. The goal is to reach BRL 240,797.98. `At 6:41 pm, sales had reached R$ 68,594.15, therefore, 28.49% of the total. There were 58 investors and the offer is expected to be open for a month. The token is valid until May 30, 2023.
Daniel Coquieri, Founder and CEO of Liqi told Blocknews that the company does not buy the asset, but connects the issuer, BomConsórcio, with investors. And it takes custody of the tokens. Thus, it has a different model from the Bitcoin Market, which also offers tokens backed by consortium quotas. This is because the MB buys the shares, puts it in the wallet, tokenizes it and then resells it to investors.
The banking agent for BomConsórcio’s token is Banco Genial, which maintains the account used in transactions related to BC01. The legal structuring of the token is by VBSO Advogados.