IRS allows entities to delay blockchain adoption

IRS has been looking at blockchain for several years. Photo: Gerd Altmann. pixabay

The Internal Revenue Service (RF) will allow public entities to delay the start of sharing data that are in blockchain. But, for that, they will need to ask for an extension of the deadline until the next 31st and justify such request. The closing date for blockchain adoption was the last day of this year.

Brazil has two identification systems in blockchain networks, the b-CPF and the b-CNPJ. Dataprev developed the systems for RF. Public institutions ask to be integrated into these systems as has already happened, for example, with the Federal Justice Council.

The RF’s General Coordination of Information Technology and Security (Cotec) will evaluate, “under the technological aspect, the possibility of temporarily maintaining the availability of data by providing replicas of the databases”.

The new IRS rule on extending blockchain use is in RFB Ordinance No. 89 of December 6, 2021, that alters RFB Ordinance No. 34 of May 14, 2021.

The latter deals with the “sharing of data not protected by fiscal secrecy with bodies and entities of the direct, autonomous and foundational Federal Public Administration and other Federal Powers”. Thus, the ordinance translates data not only in blockchain.

Learning with b-CPF and b-CNPJ helped the IRS in creating b-Connect. Serpro developed this system. Your function is to facilitate the exchange of data between Mercosur countries and, therefore, of foreign trade.


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