European investors visit Bitcoin mining plant in El Salvador

On November 13, a group of European Investors in the area of cryptocurrencies and mined from Bitcoin visited El Salvador, to learn more about how the geothermal power plant works and about the project of the government of the Latin American country for possible future investments, This is how he made it known, on his portal web last November 14, 2021 The reporter.

The European Investors were accompanied to the geothermal plant, by the president of the Hydroelectric Executive Commission, Daniel Alvarez and by Florencia Vilanova Ambassador of the Salvador in Germany

Florencia Vilanova, Ambassador of El Salvador in Germany, indicated that 41 members of the “Bitcoin Community Europe “, Which are from Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

The diplomat commented that the investors wanted to know in person all the work that is being done in El Salvador, in order to learn about geothermal energy generation for Bitcoin mining and evaluate possible future investments.

However, the president of Salvador Bukele affirmed that they are still testing, but officially they have already carried out their first mining in Bitcoin with geothermal energy; Although he did not want to give details of the costs of the equipment acquired for mining, nor the amount of energy that is required for mining, the cost for the facilities or the number of people required to mine Bitcoin.

The mining process consists of having powerful equipment and computers that can solve mathematical blocks in the technology Blockchain and the one that does it faster has as a result the reward of the new generated cryptocurrencies.

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