Buda.com launches its first crypto-backed loan

From Santiago de Chile, The popular exchange of cryptomoneys Latin American Buda.com, announced this Thursday through a press release the launch of its first loan backed in cryptocurrencies for users in the southern country.

Your product named “Buddha Credits”, Will be the first of its kind on the platform backed by bitcoins in exchange for local currency, the Chilean Peso (CLP). Among the conditions to access this financial product is the fact of maintaining as a backup within the exchange, the money requested in its equivalent in BTC.

“Credit backed in Bitcoin is the most important product that we have launched on Buda.com in recent years, because it shows two things. In the first place it shows how far the cryptocurrency industry can go in its process of replicating the traditional financial industry, but in a modern version (cheaper, flexible, 100% digital credits), and on the other hand it shows the direction it is taking. taking Buda.com. This is a product that our clients want and need, because it gives liquidity to an investment that, in the traditional financial industry, would be frozen and unusable. These products give access to the future today. ”, Said Guillermo Torrealba, CEO of Buda.com.

The platform points out that users will only have to pay monthly the amount generated plus an interest equivalent to 1%, according to the term you choose more according to your needs.

Buda.com points out that the user does not need to undergo a risk assessment to access credit. On the contrary, you only need to have advanced verification (key) within the platform.

By last, the credit It is not subject to fines and in case of wanting to extend its duration, it is possible to opt for a renegotiation, prior to its term, which allows you to have more time to pay the debt, move the payment date and / or request more money.

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