‘Blockhain and Cybersecurity’ is part of the II STIC Colombia Chapter Conference

The National Institute of Cybersecurity of Spain (INCIBE), together with the National Cryptological Center organize the second day of STIC – Chapter Colombia, whose motto this year is Allies for a Cybersecure Ibero-America , an event that will be held in Medellín between March 16 and 18, 2022.

During the days that the event lasts, some topics of great interest will be discussed and answers to the challenges of the cybersecurity that is required in topics such as: Blockchain, threats, cyber espionage attacks, advanced persistent threats (APT) and targeted attacks, where it will be discussed to find the best solutions and preventions in cybersecurity.

Colombia will host the event for the second time to be held in Medellín at the city’s business and innovation center, with the main objective of promoting the alliance between Spain and Latin America in the matter of cybersecurity obtaining public and private cooperation at the international level.

Cybersecurity professionals who are interested in participating in this STIC conference, You can send your contribution proposal from December 21 to January 30 for cybersecurity.

The collaboration of the main cybersecurity actors in Spain and Latin America It will allow the exchange of knowledge and experiences that they have had in the face of the enormous challenges that we all face.

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