BC President and Directors Meet with Binance, Coinbase and Bitso

This article is from www.blocknews.com.br and the original article can be read here in Portuguese

Between last Friday (13) and this Monday (16), the president and directors of the Central Bank of Brazil will have met with representatives of cryptocurrency brokers Binance, Coinbase and Bitso. The three say they are interested in increasing their operations in Brazil. According to the agenda available on the Central Bank’s website, the subjects are varied and include regulation.

The meetings began on Friday afternoon, for an hour, with a meeting between the president of the bank, Roberto Campos Neto, and the founder and CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao (CZ). Daniel Mangabeira, vice president of government relations for Latin America, was also expected to participate. As well as that of Matt Schroder, vice president of international expansion. The information was that the meeting would be by video conference with “representatives of the Binance Group, in São Paulo, to deal with institutional matters”.

Last March, CZ had already met with the bank’s regulatory director, Otavio Ribeiro Damaso. The founder of Binance has said that he intends to increase the number of employees in Brazil and make more acquisitions. The company recently purchased Sim;paul, a traditional investment platform.

On Monday afternoon, Campos Neto and Renato Dias Gomes, director of financial system organization and resolution, will meet for 30 minutes and via videoconference, with the CEO and co-founder of Coinbase, Brian Armstrong. The subject on the agenda is the “presentation of the macroeconomic scenario by the executive”. The company is setting up an operation in the country, where it has about 130 openings for hiring.

Central Bank discusses regulation with brokers

The agenda also foresees the participation of Faryar Shirzad, Chief Policy Officer at Coinbase, who has been in charge of regulation and relationship with governments at the exchange since last March. Prior to that, he worked at Goldman Sachs in this area for 15 years. But even before that, he worked in the US government. In addition, John Medel, Senior Manager of Regulation and Government Relations, is expected to attend the meeting .

The Central Bank’s regulatory director, Damaso, is expected to meet with representatives of Mexico’s Bitso for an hour, also by videoconference. The meeting will be with Felipe Vallejo, Chief Regulatory Officer of the brokerage, and with those responsible for public policy in Brazil, Bárbara Espir, and in Argentina, Julián Colombo.

Daniel Steinberg, responsible for the regulatory strategy at Basil and Ana Beron, specialist in corporate affairs at the brokerage firm, is expected to also participate. Bitso started to settle in Brazil a year ago and competes with Mercado Bitcoin for the title of largest brokerage in Latin America.

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