MB Digital Assets, which is part of 2TM, the same group as the Mercado Bitcoin), today (28) launched more than BRL 1.5 million in precatory tokens from the state of São Paulo. It is the seventh MBDA token backed by these securities. With that, it launched a total of R$ 27 million.
Precatórios are debt securities that the justice has already recognized municipal, state and federal governments have with a person or company. After winning the case, the person retains the title and waits for payment, which usually takes years. The correction is by the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA). What the MBDA does is go after whoever holds the bonds and offer tokenization of the total or partial value. For those who received the title, selling through tokens means being able to anticipate receipt. And then, whoever buys the token receives the amount when the government pays the bond.
This token represents 13 precatories. MBDA estimates, “in a base case” that the profitability will be 22% per year (IPCA-E + 14.58%) and that the payment of the first precatory of the basket will be in June 2023. The forecast for the last is December 2025. The value of the token is BRL 100 and the sale is on Mercado Bitcoin., it will have a unit value of BRL 100.
It should be remembered that São Paulo usually pays the precatories, but the dates are not fixed, so there may be delays. Last December, the federal government, for example, got Congressional approval not to make all payments on all its precatories until 2026.
Anyone who buys the token and wants to sell it before receiving the money can also do so on the Mercado Bitcoin platform itself.