Experts explain the social impact of Blockchain technology in BSL 2021

Within the framework of the fifth edition of the Blockchain Summit Latam 2021 event, the third meeting was held this Wednesday, September 3, in which experts in the ecosystem discussed the impact of the technology Blockchain regarding the generation of social impact.

On its third day of discussion, in the space for talks scheduled to be developed, it was arranged as moderator of the session Mauricio Tovar, accompanied by the panelists, Solangue Gueiros from Blockchain For Humanity, Jordi Riulas from Ethichub, and Matías Rojas, co-founder of SocialLab.

The opening of the meeting digital, the invitation to participate in the different projects that are currently being carried out on blockchain technology as a social impact was extended. In this sense, the panelist, Solangue Gueiros, said that they carry out several projects that aim to enter into the adoption of this technology in a way that offers a positive impact within society.

Also, he extended the invitation for those entrepreneurs who are interested in making a difference in the world using this disruptive technology, to participate in the annual awards “Blockchain For Humanity”, Which will be applied this coming September 13.

In turn, the company latin american SociaLab, presented the initiative they are developing, a call for open innovation, which seeks solutions based on blockchain that are applicable, to solve socio-environmental problems, that can reach small farmers and those people who are inside or outside the ecosystem crypto. The call to participate in this initiative will be open until September 30.

In this same line, Jordi Riulas, explained the use cases that are currently being put into practice of blockchain technology in the agriculture sector, one of them being the structuring of credits through smart contracts and the structure of tokens as a credit guarantee.

Blockchain: a growing ecosystem

In the second part of the presentation, the panelists made it clear that blockchain technology is still a growing ecosystem. They consider that the beginning of this growth is the education and culturalization of people about this technology, so it is necessary that they understand the potential it offers. They also state that it is important that blockchain technology reaches all “spheres of society “, and that official use cases can be developed applicable to people who have other characteristics, such as, for example, who are not banked.

To end the talk, the speakers agreed that the greatest barrier that exists between blockchain technology and society is ignorance and misinformation about emerging technologies, also the lack of developers who carry out this technology and provide knowledge in the region or country where they are.

Another barrier that they considered important during the presentation was the lack of willingness on the part of traditional financial agents regarding the regulatory part, to achieve a mesh between the traditional and the disruptive.

“The great barriers are determined by the regulations, they are determined by those traditional agents, in this case from the financial world, who do not quite understand what you are doing. What we do does not fit into any of the traditional regulatory environments (…) The will to understand how socially positive the application of certain technologies can be is lacking “ Jordi Riulas declared, to conclude.

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