2TM Ventures buys Nano Art Market that uses blockchain in certificate of works | blocknews

2TM has other startups involved in art. Photo: Surface, Unsplash.

2TM Ventures, the venture capital arm of 2TM, the Bitcoin Market holding company, announced an investment in Nano Art Market, which sells works of art through a digital channel and produces content on the subject. The company says on its website that “a marketplace of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) backed by artwork will soon be launched. In addition, it will have gallery and collection management software”. The value of the transaction was not revealed, nor the percentage that 2TM bought.

Nano Art Market already guarantees the legitimacy of the works it sells through a certificate registered on blockchain.

Thus, 2TM Ventures now has 15 startups. In 2021, the group invested in the crypto-art platform Tropix and in Fingerprints, which curates digital art on blockchain. In addition, it invested in Block4, a digital collectibles platform that works with entertainment content producers.

The NFTs marketplace is developed with BlockForce with primary and secondary market. And the arts will be authenticated by the galleries representing the artists. In addition, the platform provides a record of the development of the artist whose work was acquired, allowing the client to follow the author’s career from the beginning.

The group of investees of 2TM Ventures, with investments of US$ 31 million, includes SL Tools, Cerc, FIDD, Concash, Gorila, ABRA, Block4, Fingerprints DAO, Figment, Gávea Maketplace, TC, Tropix, Polvo Tech and Trace Finance .

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